D&AD New Blood Awards 2019, Durex Brief: Across all STIs, the highest rates of diagnoses are seen in 16 to 24 year olds. Condoms are the only effective method of preventing the spread of STIs. How can you persuade young people to make carrying them a habit?
My response was a collaboration campaign 'Gimme Some Sugar' between Greggs, one of the UK's leading bakeries, and Durex. By presenting a condom in any Greggs store you would earn points and after accumulating enough points you would earn tasty freebies. The idea behind the campaign is to encourage young people to carry a condom by enticing them with the prospect of free food. The tongue and cheek and slightly raunchy puns within the campaign link the two companies together, as well as adding some light hearted humour to a widely considered taboo and awkward topic.